Sunday, May 24, 2009

Laughing Spagoogle


Grace has really been growing and discovering the world around her. She has recently found delight in her feet. She pulls them up toward her when she is lying on her belly. This makes changing her diaper more of a challenge. She has also been vocalizing more. She makes a Pterodactyl noise and since it is new to her she repeats it often. We usually produce the same sound back to her and she always gives us the strangest look. One thing is certain...she is beautiful and has the most heartwarming smile! She is always smiling. If you look at her with a straight face she will give you a smile instantly. What a blessing she is! Our little spagoogle!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Family

I love my family!
Thank you God for a wonderful husband and a sweet daughter!
They are truly a blessing!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Grace's First Bite

Grace experienced her first bite of cereal today. It was a mixture of 1 tablespoon of rice cereal with 5 tablespoons of breast milk. She didn't eat all of it. I didn't want to force it upon her. I think that she really enjoyed it. It was a new experience for her. She is such a good baby. She didn't spit it out like I read that most babies do with their first bite. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of their Spagoogle!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

God Bless Mothers

First, I would like to simply say, "God Bless Mothers!" I pray that all Mothers realize how much they are loved today and how special that they are. I cannot be home to see my wonderful Mother and Mother in law, but I hope that they know how much they mean to me. Last year on Mother's Day I announced the coming of my baby girl, Grace Marie. Now, I can proudly say that I absolutely love being a mother! It is one of life's greatest gifts! Today I received a Mother's Prayer while sitting in church. It read the following, "The special bond between mothers and children comes through a special blessing from God. He gives mothers strength, wisdom, patience and an abundance of love to share. May God continue to bless you today and shower his blessings on you each and every day as you share your love so freely and selflessly. God Bless You!" Thank you Blessed Mother for always being there for me...for praying for me...that I may be a better Mother for my child by loving your son, Jesus, more every day! Thank you Mothers ( Wanda and Marcia) for teaching me what it means to love freely and selflessly. Thank you to All Mothers and those Mothers to be...for giving yourselves daily to our Lord so that you can nurture and bring forth all of your children to the Glory of God! Thanks be to God for the beauty and joy of Motherhood! I wouldn't trade it for all the riches of the world!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cute as a Bug's Ear? Don't Think So!

I experienced something on my way home last night that I hope that I never experience again. I was driving my car and suddenly my ear started to itch. My first instinct is to try to feel around with my finger. I don't feel anything and I continue driving. Soon I feel like something is crawling into my ear. It was the strangest feeling in the world. I screamed as I continued to maneuver the car. I felt a stinging every few seconds....then a crackling sound. I called Marc and placed the phone in the other ear as I drove. "Marc...I am hurting...I think that a bug is in my ear!" He told me to make it home and that he would take a look at it when I arrive. I continued driving home. What is happening to me? I walk in the door and Marc is smiling. I said what are you laughing about? He says, "I don't think a bug could get in your ear. I am sure that it may be an air bubble or some water in your ear." I say, it really felt like something was crawling around in there." I am very paranoid. We laugh. However, later I realize that my ear is still hurting from time to time. I hope that I am not getting sick. In the late evening, after a shower, I clean my ears out with Q-tips. When I pull the Q-tip out of the offended ear...I find....a creepy bug. A small bug with legs, antenna, and wings. I showed Marc my findings. We both looked at the bug on the Q-tip...astonished! I say, "I know that I am not crazy...I did have a bug in my ear! It was disgusting! Then Marc researched the Internet for bugs in the ears. It left a very interesting night of we both pondered bugs in the ears, stuck in ear wax, decomposing bodies, and eggs. We didn't get loads of sleep...but at least my ear is better...and I know that I am not crazy. I hope that you never have to experience a creeper in the ear! Gross!

My Hand

I went to the doctor last Wednesday because I have been having pain in my left hand for the past week or so. The pain was aching even when I was not using my hand. Eventually I experienced a burning sensation, followed by my left thumb catching when it is moved. The doctor and I aren't exactly sure what it is right now...but I think that it may be trigger finger...a condition where the thumb locks into a bent position much like the trigger of a gun. I have to wear a splint on it for a few weeks, and was told not to use it that often. I must say that is hard to do since I am a dentist and a mommy! But I have managed so far. Hopefully it will get better soon! I trust that the good Lord will look after me!

Charlie's in the bush!

Newest Captain of the USAF

Our little Spagoogle is the newest Captain of the Air Force...and what a cutie she is!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Conversation with Grace

Grace and I having a much needed chat after a hard night of sleeping. This conversation was actually very long and was shortened to make viewing easier. This video was taken on April 19th. We love you Spagoogle! Later we will look at this and remember your early conversations...such a sweetie!