On the morning of December 6th (about 2 am) I woke up with what I thought were the usual Braxton Hicks contractions. I was 36 weeks and four days pregnant. I had been used to turning frequently in bed to get the contractions to pass, but I knew that Marc had to get up and go to work. This was my day off so I decided to move out to the couch as to not disturb him. I would wake up from time to time throughout the morning with the same tightness. So I drank some water and ate a banana and went back to bed on the couch. It became time for Marc to get ready to go to work. He was surprised to find me on the couch. I told him why and then explained to him what I had been feeling. As I got up and started moving around I noticed the tightening (Braxton Hicks)? I told Marc not to worry because I had an appointment with the doctor that morning at 11 am. I planned on picking up Marc on the way to the appointment because we had a scheduled ultrasound to look at the positioning of the baby. He got his phone and left for work. I got Grace up and dressed and gave her breakfast. It seemed like the contractions were becoming regular at this time. So I decided to start timing them. They were coming about 3 minutes apart. I went to the bathroom and experienced what I thought was bloody show. It was at this point, I knew that I must be in labor. I called Marc and told him that I was going to call the doctor's office to see if I should come in early for my appointment. They advised me to go ahead and come in early. Meanwhile, the contractions seemed to be getting a little stronger. I called Marc and told him that I think that he better come home. I started packing my bags for the hospital. Everything was packed and ready to go when Marc got home. What were we going to do with Grace? If this was labor, I really didn't want her to have to experience me in pain. I also knew that if Marc was with her in the waiting room, I didn't think that I could go through it without him. We tried to call Adam and Sharon in Austin, and we couldn't reach them. We called mom (Marcia) back home and asked if she could get a hold of Adam and Sharon. In the meantime we called the Daycare that Grace attended and asked if we could bring her there for the day, even though Monday was not her regular scheduled day to attend. They agreed. When we got in the car the song "We Will Rock You" started playing. We took Grace to Daycare. We both went in to drop her off. Grace started crying as they took her to her classroom and I didn't want to see her go, but we knew it was be for the best until we found out what was going on. We left the car seat so that Grace could be picked up by Sharon if needed. Sharon called us and we asked if it was possible that she could come to Fort Worth and take care of Grace tonight. She right away agreed to come and stay with us in Fort Worth. She was going to bring all of the kids as well. We were so relieved and thankful to have such a caring and loving family. She would be traveling 3 hours with her four children. Marc and I drove to the hospital, which was about 15-20 minutes away in Grapevine. We ended up arriving to my appointment at 10:20 am. I checked in and told them that they informed me to come in and be seen early. I then sat back down. Soon Marc and I were timing my contractions to be about 1 minute apart. Every time the contractions started I got up and paced around the waiting run. As the contractions seemed to get even more intense after waiting for 5-10 minutes, I went back up to the desk and said that I had to see the doctor because I am in labor now. You can imagine the looks on all of the ladies faces in the waiting room watching me pace, but continue to smile. They called us back and weighed me and took my blood pressure. Then, I went to a room to wait for the doctor. He came in shortly and examined me. I was dilated 8-8.5 cm. He told us that we needed to go ahead and go to labor and delivery because we were going to have a baby today. They gave us a map to get there. We ended up stopping in the hall for rest breaks, and we also managed to get some help locating labor and delivery by asking a patient walking down the hall. When we got to labor and delivery, she asked us some questions and I continued pacing around the halls until they took us to a delivery room. When the nurse came in she took me to the bathroom to help me get changed. Then, I came out and squatted on the bed hugging the back of the bed. Another nurse came in and placed an IV in my left hand as I was hugging the bed. They kept asking me if I wanted help with the pain. We told them that I was having a natural birth. The contractions were very intense at this point. I wasn't left with much time in between to rest and breath. I was also scared because I knew that I was having this baby early and I was fearful of possible complications. Thinking of our dear Lord, my fear went away. They came in to examine me and I was 9.5 cm. The next thing you know our doctor came in with some other nurses. He had me move down on the bed into position for the baby to be delivered. My legs kept falling off of the stirrups. I knew what they were telling me to do but I felt like my legs were numb and that I could not move them. I felt a huge urge at this point to push. It seemed much more intense than I felt when giving birth to Grace. It was then that I let out a shout. Some of the delivery staff asked if something was wrong to the doctor and he calmly smiled and said, "No, she is going natural." Apparently, this is not a common preference these days. The doctor said that I could have had the baby out with the first push but my legs were not open enough to allow the baby to come out. So, by the second push, our baby was born. I remember feeling like a huge ocean was coming out of me at that moment when they pulled him out. Water just gushed all over. My water was not broken earlier. I heard him cry out and they took him over to the warmer to suction him and check him out. He was born 11:54 am. Soon, they placed him on my chest. He was so beautiful! His name they asked, Jonathan Gabriel. We named him with a devotion to St. John the Apostle and St. Gabriel the Archangel. I cried and enjoyed the short moment with my son, as they told me that although he was breathing that he was working very hard and had some mucous in his chest. They told me that they were taking him to the neonatal unit to care for him until he was cleared up more. I remember saying yes, do whatever you need to do to take care of my baby. I didn't even get to nurse him. He was taken away. Although I knew it was for the best, I was saddened. I wanted to hold him and talk to him more and just be with him. I told Marc to go with him. The remaining nurse helped me get cleaned up and placed into a new room. After Marc returned from the neonatal unit he went home to pick up Grace and meet Sharon and the kids at our home. I was alone again. I went down to see Jonathan and to nurse him every 2 hours. I was with him for about an hour and half each time, which left me about 30 minutes until the next visit. You can say that I didn't get much rest, but I didn't mind. I looked forward to each visit with him. It broke my heart seeing that tube running up his nose. They had placed it there to help assist in feeding him to help him get stronger until my milk came in. Because some of the mucous remained in his chest they decided to keep him over night. I really wanted to have him with me in my room but knew that it was the best for him. I continued to nurse him every 2 hours on schedule. They ended up releasing him from the neonatal unit the next evening. I got to have him by my side that night for the first time. It was wonderful! Sharon and the kids stayed with Grace for the second night as well. I had Marc go and get Grace and bring her to hospital on that day. She came to have dinner with us and meet her new brother. I was so happy to see her for I had missed her so much. Marc said that she was having a good time playing with her cousins. Marc, Grace, Sharon, and the kids even ended up all going to church that morning. I was sad because I couldn't go, but much to my surprise I was able to receive communion at the hospital. They released us to go home on Wednesday around 1 pm. By the time we made it home with our new family, Sharon and the kids had already left to return to Austin. The house was in order and there was even stew cooking in the crock pot. I really wished that I could have been there to thank Sharon for everything that she did for us, but I understood why she had to go. We called to thank her over the phone. And so it began, life at home with our new family. Marc and I looked at each other and then at the beautiful children that we had created together in our love. We are so blessed! And would I do it all again? YES! Absolutely! What an honor and a privilege to bring forth new life into the world! Life is beautiful!

Hey! I made a comment last night...weird :) I said I loved this post and can't wait to meet my precious godson, whenever that may be!!