My daughter Grace turned TWO years old on December 30th 2010 and although she did not share a birthday with her brother as was forecasted, she had a great time celebrating it with Elmo, her favorite and devoted playmate. Can't believe that my baby girl is already two! With each passing day she amazes me. She is so smart! She has been picking up more words by the day. Her favorite foods are mac-n-cheese and strawberries. She loves fruit and yogurt. She has a passion for art and music already. She loves to play drums, dance to music, sing out loud, and draw pictures. Her hair is getting longer but the curls are still hanging on, which is good because I think that they are adorable. She is much more beautiful than I ever was, that is for sure. She will make your heart melt with her giggles. She is very motherly. She is always taking care of her baby dolls. She likes to wear necklaces and dress up. She regularly blows kisses at all of us throughout the day. At nighttime she tells me "Night-Night" and blows me kisses when I am leaving her room. It is the cutest thing ever! Grace is also very determined to learn and try new things. She doesn't give up easily, which usually means that she may holler out if she is frustrated while doing a task. She takes me by the hand and escorts me into her room for a play session. This usually involves her bringing me all of her pretend food. She even taps the chair at the table in her room advising me to take a seat. This girl has always had a love for books. She has been looking at books since she was just crawling. Now she is getting into the longer stories. She likes to take my finger and point to an object or picture and wait for me to say what it is. She is learning rapidly and it is so amazing to watch those changes in her. I hope that she knows how much she is loved. She brightens up each of our days with just her smile. She has always been a joy! Highlights of her party include: Experiencing a lit candle and the consequences of touching a flame (very sad, broke my heart but I guess that is how you learn), enjoying her birthday Elmo cake, unwrapping gifts to include her rocking horse, playing with every blown up balloon in the house, reading Elmo books, and enjoying time with her family and friends. We love you our little Spagoog.
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