I am sure that many of you are already aware that we have moved back to Indiana now. I can't say that were are settled yet but we are trying to make this new place of ours a home for now. There are still boxes left to be unpacked, and there are many more that I might just leave packed up for now. Where does all of this stuff come from? As much as I would love to decorate this place and make it look even more comfy and cozy, I just haven't got the time or the energy to do it. You know how that goes I am sure. There just isn't enough time in the day to get everything done that you want, so I have learned to just do as much as you can and then save the rest for another day. It has been much too long since I have been able to update our blog. I feel like our lives just hit huge barriers along the way since the move. Nothing has been easy, but we have embraced these changes and we are trying everyday to work through the trials that we bear. It just makes me again so thankful for our faith and how much that we do rely on our holy family to get us through these tough times. I do know that despite the trials and the heartache, we are always left with more joy and more graces than I could ever be thankful enough for. God really does know what he is doing? He knows our hearts and he knows exactly what he wants of us. He also knows what we can handle and he never asks for anything more than that. I know that the trials that we have gone through and continue to go through are only the smallest fraction of what our dear Lord went through. How can I complain? I am human and I do worry and fret when things are tough. Sometimes I feel like there is nothing left inside me to give to anyone, but then those little reminders of how great our God is come into my heart. I take one look at my wedding picture and I am reminded of the love of my life, my husband and how thankful that I am for our marriage, our vows, our beliefs, and our values. I take one look at my children and I am reminded of how blessed we truly are. How beautiful they are and how much joy they bring to our lives. I think of our extended family and how blessed we are to have such wonderful parents, who all are also the best grandparents for our children. I also think of our friends who continue to offer all that they have to help us during our times of need. Thank you God for being so close to our family. We know that it will not always be easy, that there will be many rocky roads ahead of us, but we also know that the reward is in sight, our final destination along this journey of ours will end with You holding us in Your arms and welcoming us home for good. And that makes everything all worthwhile. Thank You for the many blessings that You have bestowed upon our family along the way. No matter what You have in store for us, I can trust that You know what is best and I look forward to meeting that challege.
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