Tuesday, April 19, 2011


On Sunday April 10th, Marc and I shared a quiet laugh when our daughter said something during mass. When the priest said that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light, Grace shouted, "AMEN." My how our little toddler brought such joy to our hearts. And the other day when Grace climbed onto the bed in our bedroom, she looked up and saw the crucifix on our wall. She pointed to it and said, "Jesus." I smiled and told her that she was right. Then she tried to sing parts of Jesus loves me, and so we both began to sing that song together. My little girl makes me so happy. Thank you God for my children, for they are the most precious gifts to me.


  1. Awesome! Shaylee's program they sang Jesus Loves Me and while they were singing on stage Cassie was watching and trying to sing along to it as well!! Very cute how they learn so young.
