My has been a month since I have updated our blog! I guess that you can say that we have been ever so busy. A lot has happened in the last month. We said goodbye to our home in Abilene and moved to Fort Worth. We went several weeks without most of our things. They delivered our household goods last Thursday. You can say I was happy to get our stuff back...but I was not happy about all of the boxes. I work on unpacking what we need from the boxes and placing some things in storage every day...but there are still boxes everywhere. Where did all of this stuff come from? It is also hard to put things away where you want them when you can't get to those places because they are covered with boxes. I almost want to take everything out of every box and then try to put it somewhere...but then we would have no place to walk. I must say that it is a bit frustrating. However, I must also say that it has been very nice being a stay at home mom with our daughter for the last couple of months. What a precious time, that I cherish deeply! She has grown very attached to me, which I know will make it that much more difficult when I have to go back to work. But we are working out a part-time working deal so that I can be with Grace a few days a week. So that will be very nice. I am not sure when I will be starting, but I don't want to rush the time...because I really love being with Grace and being here when Marc gets home. It is soo exciting! Just wish that we didn't have to deal with all of these boxes. I swear that they never end! Ooh well! Anyone that has moved, understands what I am talking about. Marc has been working very hard at his job. Their team as been very small since he started and they want more and more from him despite the fact that there are not that many working. I really appreciate his hard work and persistence. I know that I couldn't do what he does. He is the best husband and father and I couldn't be prouder! I know that I give him a hard time sometimes, but I really love him more than ever! He will always be my Babes! Grace sure has grown! I can't believe that in 3 days she will be 20 months! She is so determined to be more and more independent everyday. Which is good, but I don't want her to grow up too fast. She loves to play in the yard and the sandbox. She would go out there all of the time if I let her. It just has been so hot, that I only take her out to play in the back when it is cooler in the evenings. When, it got really cool the other night, I walked with Grace into the backyard while Marc was working out on the treadmill in the house. I opened and fastened shut the gate from our front yard going into our back yard. I had Grace in my arms, and I turned to continue to walk back in the back yard. Then, I felt something stab me in the rear. It was terrible. I kept stopping to look and see what had bitten me. I didn't know if it was a snake or what. I couldn't see anything in my drawers. I proceeded to walk in the back yard and the pain became unbearable. I went to put Grace in her sandbox because that is what she wanted to do. I was going to try to tell Marc that something bit me but the back door was locked. I knew that he wouldn't hear me with the treadmill going. So I proceeded to back track my steps and approach the gate. I kept looking around trying to find what could have got me. Then, as I looked up I saw a nasty yellow jackets nest swarming with yellow jackets. That must have been what got me. The bad part now was that I had to go back through the gate and I was hoping not to set them off again. I made it through the gate and ran in to tell Marc. Then, I quickly made my way back to the backyard to check on Grace. She was happily playing in the sand box. I grabbed her and Marc went to check out the nest. He came back and said that he needed the spray that we had. I went to get it and Marc sprayed the nest and ran into the house. The next day we went to check on the nest and there were tons of jellow jackets dead and hanging from the nest. I read about them on the internet and it says that their stings are very painful. I can attest to that. Thankfully, they didn't attack our Grace, and thankfully they targeted a part of body which is very big and fat. I think that must have helped. I still have a huge mark on my rear where the stinger went in. I am glad that Grace's guardian angel was looking out for her. On another note, Grace and I try to take morning walks around the neighborhood before it gets too hot. She loves hiding in cabinets, climbing onto our bed and dancing around, getting into boxes, and coloring on the paper that comes out of the boxes. I taped some of that paper to the table and Grace experienced her first official coloring session yesterday. She loved it! She didn't want to stop. She seemed to get very frustrated when the paper was all colored and she wanted a new sheet. I believe that she is very creative. Maybe she will enjoy art as much as I did growing up. She sure is a cutie! On the side of unpacking, I have been looking at baby names for our baby boy. It is very fun but I just can't come across anything yet. Marc has also been searching and with no luck. I know that we have plenty of time to decide what his name will be. It will come. This baby boy sure is a kicker. He kicks and kicks throughout the day. It especially feels funny when he kicks near my belly button. It tickles! It is such a joy being a mother! I can't express how truly thankful I am to be able to bring life into the world. It was a dream of mine ever since I was a little girl. I am so blessed that God gave me that gift! Well, I will include some pictures of Grace and will try to keep everyone more updated since I have more time now. Have a most blessed day!

What sweet pics, Misty! I'm sorry to hear about you getting stung. I know those really hurt! One time, Paschal got sick and we had no idea what was wrong with him. Then we noticed a hump in his tail near his rear and he yelped if you touched him. Shirley said she noticed a yellow jacket nest near the garden where Paschal had been. So, putting 2 and 2 together, we surmised that he had been stung several times by those wasps. He was sick for a few days from it. Thank goodness only one got you!
ReplyDeleteLOL you think it's bad now that you have alot of stuff wait till you have TWO kids!!
ReplyDeleteMy dad is extremely allergic to bee's and yellow jackets.
I HATE moving! Next time we move we hope it's forever or atleast a good 20 years!!LOL
I miss being pregnant but right now 2's enough for us maybe in a few years.
I love my part time job 6 hours 2 days a week not much money but it's something!