Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cute as a Bug's Ear? Don't Think So!

I experienced something on my way home last night that I hope that I never experience again. I was driving my car and suddenly my ear started to itch. My first instinct is to try to feel around with my finger. I don't feel anything and I continue driving. Soon I feel like something is crawling into my ear. It was the strangest feeling in the world. I screamed as I continued to maneuver the car. I felt a stinging every few seconds....then a crackling sound. I called Marc and placed the phone in the other ear as I drove. "Marc...I am hurting...I think that a bug is in my ear!" He told me to make it home and that he would take a look at it when I arrive. I continued driving home. What is happening to me? I walk in the door and Marc is smiling. I said what are you laughing about? He says, "I don't think a bug could get in your ear. I am sure that it may be an air bubble or some water in your ear." I say, it really felt like something was crawling around in there." I am very paranoid. We laugh. However, later I realize that my ear is still hurting from time to time. I hope that I am not getting sick. In the late evening, after a shower, I clean my ears out with Q-tips. When I pull the Q-tip out of the offended ear...I find....a creepy bug. A small bug with legs, antenna, and wings. I showed Marc my findings. We both looked at the bug on the Q-tip...astonished! I say, "I know that I am not crazy...I did have a bug in my ear! It was disgusting! Then Marc researched the Internet for bugs in the ears. It left a very interesting night of we both pondered bugs in the ears, stuck in ear wax, decomposing bodies, and eggs. We didn't get loads of sleep...but at least my ear is better...and I know that I am not crazy. I hope that you never have to experience a creeper in the ear! Gross!


  1. Dang! Now I won't be able to sleep tonight!!!

  2. UGH gross !! I have heard of spiders crawling in ears ............. YUCK glad that you are bettter
