I am so thankful to have such wonderful mothers in my life: Our Blessed Mother, my Mother, and my Mother-in-law. All of these mothers have taught me so much in my life. God Bless you all! I am also very blessed to be a mother to two of the sweetest children, Grace and Jonathan. Here are some pictures from Mother's Day.
My Jonathan started rolling on Wednesday just two days before he turned 5 months. Go Buddy! He is getting stronger by the day. Can't believe that he is already 5 months old. Look at how much he has changed. His personality has really emerged. He is such a character! Enjoy the pictures!
Jonathan tried out the Jumperoo this Tuesday. The jumperoo is something that we got from a friend when Grace was little. Jonathan just loves it! And this will give him some more activity too. He loves jumping around. I can't believe how much he has changed within the last few months. Go Buddy! Grace decided that she wanted to give it a try too after seeing Jonathan have so much fun.