Grace was a pirate again this year and she played the part well. It is hard to believe how much she has changed since last year. She sure made us laugh as she eagerly gave out her treasure(candy) to the trick or treaters this year. She is a joy in our lives and we love our little Pirate Scoogs!
Halloween 2009 *Grace was 10 months old
Halloween 2010 *Grace is 22 months old
Grace enjoys some candy! Don't worry, I brushed her teeth really well. :)
Grace sure loved the pumpkin patch this year. I think her favorite thing was the bouncy houses. She would run to them constantly. I let her jump, but only if there were no other children or maybe one other child her size. I wanted to try to prevent accidents. She loved climbing into and out of them. She is very adventurous! She also enjoyed riding on the big red tractor. I think that Grandpa Gretencord would be very proud. She loves anything related to the farm. One of her favorite books is Little People's Farm book and she opens the flaps and makes all of the animal noises. Her favorite animal is the cow. The way that she moos is so precious! I am glad that she is momma's country girl! There are actually cows grazing pretty close to our house. We live in a great section because it is like having your country life, and then not being too far from the big city. Ooh North Texas, I love your fall weather. It has been in the mid-70's here. Just perfect. If only I could get my baby girl to feel better. She has been sick off and on for the past month. She is on her second round of antibiotics trying to fight a nasty ear infection and upper respiratory infection. Please pray for her that she will get well soon. It just kills me seeing her so miserable.
I am currently 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant now! We went to the doctor today for a checkup. Baby boy has a heart rate of 130 bpm and is growing. They tell us that from the ultrasound he is a little over 3 lbs now. Yeah! Both mommy and baby are healthy. It was so exciting for all of us to see our sweet baby. Grace just smiled when she looks up at the screen. We love you baby and can't wait to meet you when the time comes. In the meantime, enjoy your time nestled in mommy's belly :)
Funny add-on: The other day daddy was talking and playing with Grace on the living room floor. He tells Grace that soon she will have a little brother to play with. Grace looks at daddy and says, "OOh Boy!"
I love it when it gets cooler out, but fall just isn't like it would be in Indiana. Which I am fine with that right now. I really do enjoy fall in Texas. Yesterday it was 86 degrees here. We got a new sprinkler for the lawn. One that you just can't put a price on, our daughter. She really loves the hose and the water that comes out of it. It serves as hours of entertainment for all of us. I almost went to put her swimsuit on, but I decided to just let her get soaked. I just watched her enjoy what she does best, just being a kid. It even made us think about how we used to play with the hose when we were kids. Grace, you really made our day so much fun! We love you baby girl!