On Halloween this year, we were invited to a Halloween costume party. I had already had Grace's costume picked out for awhile. She was going to be an M&M. However,at the last minute we decided to make some changes. We had to dress her to match us. We decided that we were going to be pirates. The party didn't start until 7:00 pm, and although it was not far from our house we still managed to get lost. It was pitch dark and we were driving down a Texas back road. For those that have traveled around this area, you get the picture. We ended up pulling into a subdivision and calling for help with directions. I had pulled over the car and I had two cars pull up to park behind me. I think that they thought that we were trick-or-treating, but they were waiting for us to get out of the car. Well, we weren't trick-or-treating, but the cars just stayed behind us. Finally I attempt to pull forward and try to back up the car, carefully watching for little children. As I was backing up, children started coming out of those vans. I re-traced our path and went along with the new information to get to the house. We managed to make it to the party about 7:45 pm. We arrived and joined many others dressed up. There was a clown, a zombie, the corpse bride and groom, a football player, a chic magnet, a cowgirl, a witch, a little pumpkin, and Michael Jackson. We had a great time! Grace started to get very tired. She was so tired that she nodded off on a stranger's shoulder. Then, she seemed to melt into the carseat. Marc had to pry her out of the seat when we made it home. As we settled down for the evening remembering all of the good moments, we realized that we would always be pirates.