All of us love a little stroll around the neighborhood, especially Grace Marie. What better way to break up the day than by a lovely stroll around the block? Right? However, what should be a lovely stroll has turned into an unpleasant sight, at best. We have some neighbors who just can't seem to get enough partying. For several weeks now, our streets have been covered with beer cans, smashed beer bottles, other liquor bottles, broken glass, other trash, barf, you name it. As if it isn't bad enough that we suffer from sleep deprivation as we listen to profanities, screaming, talking, and booming music into the early morning 2-4 am, but that when we wake up and go outside for our walk be find our road, and our yard is trashed. We live in a neighborhood full of families whose children walk, stroll, and ride their bikes everyday. What do they get to see? Well, the path is far from glamorous. What a shame it is to see that people have no care in the world than to pick up after themselves, especially knowing that this is a neighborhood full of children. Our little Grace Marie doesn't notice these things. She sees the path that we travel as fascinating and lovely as it should be. This is another time that I say thank you to our God for helping me see the good in this situation. It is again through the eyes of my child that I see the beauty of life even when it seems like it has been turned upside down. Children are truly a blessing! But we still need to pray for our neighbors!